Legal Representation for Elder Abuse & Neglect Cases
Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly (RCFE), assisted living facilities, nursing homes and rehabilitation facilities provide essential assistance and care for dependent adults and the elderly. Residents of RCFEs, nursing homes, assisted living and rehabilitation facilities have rights relating to dignity, quality of life and quality of care. Many of these facilities are focused on maximizing profits rather than making sure the activities of daily living and care needs of their residents and clients are met by experienced and properly trained employees. As a result, vulnerable residents and patients may be victims of neglect, abuse or negligence and suffer a severe injury or death.
Fiore Achermann has prosecuted many types of injury and wrongful death cases stemming from abuse and neglect and stand ready to do the same for you and your family.
Fiore Achermann is currently working to protect the residents of Parkview Health Care Center in Hayward. A lawsuit filed on behalf of several victims and surviving families is pending in Alameda County Superior Court.
For Parkview news and concern over the COVID outbreak, and comments by Sophia Achermann, see